Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Types of Storyboards

Film Style

As you can see with a film storyboard everything has been sketched roughly, this is most likely because they are only really used as guidelines for  the director to follow when directing a scene.

Graphic Novel Style

Graphic Novel storybording is different to the film story board as it is dawn in pencil first then inked by the either someone else or the same person, graphic novels are also most of the time in black and white, somtimes grey too, also with graphic novels the book is itself just one large storyboard, which is why it has so much more detail involved.

Comic Book Style
With a comic book it is similar to the graphic novel, but with comics they are pretty much always in colour and usually have a consistant number of frames on each page, usually 6-12 frames, they also emphasize sound effects and speech.

Comupter Game Style
In storyboards for computer games the emphasis seems to be more on the characters rather than the background, this is probably because the 3D graphic designers will be working on what the characters are doing instead of what the backgrounds look like, usualy the backgrounds are design as art concepts instead of storyboards.

Fashion Style
Storyboards for fashion shoots are very rough sketches with colour added too, this is because these storyboards, like the film storyboards, are really only created a  guideline for the photographer.

Graphics/Photographic/Tablet Style
In this story board, the frames are made by computer graphics and photography, but it is more or less similar to the film storyboard as it helps the director know what he looking to end up with.

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