Monday, June 25, 2012

Gordon Douglas Ball

“To some extent I realized that the journey toward making a work of art was as important as the work of art itself. I’ve always made my photographs autobiographical. I like the idea that my photographs are poetry, in the way a poem is not a statement but a summary of feelings that somehow cohere into a meaning which can only be felt, rather than spoken. These photographs will tell you what I cannot say in words. I have always been attracted to the themes of romance, chaos, alienation and mainly reestablishing a sense of identity. I want to emphasize the beauty of those themes, and if my work is rooted with abstract ideas, then so be it”.
Gordon Douglas Ball
New York City            


Gordon Douglas Ball is both a visionary and a rebel, whose interests center on an internal rather than an external reality. On the flat surface of the photographic plane, Gordon Douglas juxtaposes near and far, light and dark, large and small. His clear and sophisticated manipulation of light follows none of the established conventions of photography. -

Some of Gordon Ball's photography looks very urban art like in the fact that they look like walls that have had paint splashed on them, and in turn they look very graffiti like. Most of Gordon Ball's photography consist of vibrant colours and most of the time show the whole range of the colour spectrum.

I like Gordon Ball's work as they are simple ideas that have a great look to them and they would easily catch the eye of anyone passing by.

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