Monday, May 21, 2012

Life Drawing Session

Due to openings of James Bond having silhouettes of women, the class had a life drawing session in which a female model came in for us to draw, this was so that we could get he right proportions when drawing a human figure, we tried many different techniques for life drawing.

This picture is an example of drawing a moving figure, this technique allows me to get used to drawing a figure moving into different positions, during this exercise the model moved into four different positions and we each had 3 minutes to draw the each pose she took.
This technique of drawing with straight lines created an absract look to the figure and looks very picasso like (cubist) I also attempted to add some tone to the figure.
This was my attempt at using the negative space on the paper to create a silhouette of the model, this is a technique that I could improve on.
This is just a simple portrait that I did so theat I could get used to drawing the outlines of a human figure.
This was me using white and black pastel on black paper, this was so then I could practise the different tones (Light and Dark). This one is my personal favourite and I'm pleased with how this one turned out.

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