Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Silhouette Experiments

Since the client said they would like the style of the openeing to be like Casino Royales opening, I decided to practise creating silhouettes of some of the photos that I have taken during this project so far and then put them on my background that I had already created, this was so then I could see what a potential slide would look like.

Narative Storyline for my Opening

The opening sequence starts with the barrel of the gun in which the bullet is fired from and then it is revealed that James Bond is holding the gun that is fired and then the bullet is followed and flies towards the target who avoids the bullet by jumping out of the way, then the ‘villain’ escapes by running away, Bond follows him and then a chase sequence begins in which Bond chases the villain in various vehicles and the villain escapes in other various vehicles – vehicles that may be included are helicopter, cars, planes, jet ski, quad bikes and more.
Bond then catches up to the villain and then the two fight, eventually Bond over powers the bad guy and then points the gun at him and when the trigger is pulled the screen turns to white and then the film begins.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

James Bond Moodboard

Backgound Pattern for The Opening

I started of with designing a background which will appear through out the opening, my background is the MI5 emblem over a blue back ground, I chose to make the back ground blue as it will symbolise the sky colour, however I the colour may change during the open as I might include 'night time'.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Project Proposal

I have been given a brief from Eon Productions to design a concept for the new Bond film, Skyfall.
The opening has to create a kind of adrenalin rush in the viewer, this means including death defying acts with in it like free falling and sky diving etc,  it will also require having suitable typography for the credits of the actors and companies involved.
The opening has to consist of Bond chasing  someone but the person he’s chasing  keeps getting away whenever Bond gets close, the client wants the opening to be in a similar style to Casino Royale’s opening.
I will be researching the different Bond openings as well as openings that have a relevance to the story line, I will be creating mood boards of my Bond research.
I will need to create a Narrative of my opening concept before drawing it out into a story board, the story board that I will be presented on an A1 piece of paper.
The images I use may be influenced by photos taken of people modeling to be silhouettes for the opening sequence.
The opening must have the sky, earth, sun and moon feature in it, as well as the typical seductively dressed women that feature in many of the James Bond openings, and the many gadgets of James Bond will feature in the opening too.
It will also feature a background that is relative to the title of this particular Bond film.
A rough demo of the music score will be provided to which will be kept strictly confidential and I will not be allowed to mention to any third parties.
I will produce 3 different concepts designs by the end of this project and this will be put forward to Eon Productions.